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Besøg SKAKO Concretes nye hjemmeside her.
In spring 2020, four engineers visited Skako Dartek from the company Indumetal Recycling http://www.indumetal.com, a company dedicated to the recycling and recovery of all types of metals and batteries / electrical batteries. Skako Dartek had become the main supplier of vibrating equipment for the company Indumetal Recycling, having sold them elastic mesh screens (one of them made of stainless steel), divergent bar screens, vibrating feeders, vibrating compaction tables, etc. After two days of testing in our Test Center, the right equipment was determined to satisfy the customer’s installation needs. The dosage control was optimal, allowing the client to improve the recovery and recycling of metals by 18%. The client was fully satisfied with the final result, relying on our equipment for future projects, and quickly ordering several screens of divergent bars and perforated grills (orders in the manufacture / delivery process). The success of this project, thanks to the collaboration between both companies, has directly impacted the profits of Indumetal Recycling and has consolidated Skako Dartek’s positioning as the No. 1 supplier of vibrating equipment in Spain for the metal recycling sector. Without a doubt, this is a mutual success for both companies.
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