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Today, the Board of Directors of SKAKO Vibration A/S has appointed Director Lionel Girieud (44) as new Managing Director of SKAKO Vibration A/S as of 1 January 2016.
Director Lionel Girieud is already member of the management and in connection with the planned generational change, Carl Christian Graversen (60) will resign as Managing Director of SKAKO Vibration A/S by the end of 2015.
Carl Christian Graversen will continue as Director in SKAKO A/S in order to focus on strategical opportunities in accordance with the SKAKO growth strategy until the end of July 2017 where he turns 62.
Director Lionel Girieud is French, resident in Strasbourg and a qualified engineer. He started as sales engineer in the French subsidiary SKAKO Vibration SA in 1996. In 2002, Lionel Girieud was appointed Sales Manager in SKAKO Vibration SA and in 2005, he was appointed Managing Director of SKAKO Vibration SA.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors Kaare Vagner is pleased with the appointment of Lionel Girieud as this will give SKAKO a strong international manager in a top position in the SKAKO Group and emphasizes the importance of Lionel Girieud’s great success in the North-African countries, which have a significant growth potential for the SKAKO Vibration products. During the last five years, SKAKO Vibration has experienced a major growth in both turnover and earnings. The turnover has increased from 114.5 mDKK to 179.6 mDKK from 2009 -2014.
The SKAKO Group has hereby completed the planned generational change started by the appointment of CFO Henrik Funk (51) and followed by the appointment of Søren Pedersen (52) as Managing Director of SKAKO Concrete A/S.
”We have now completed our turnaround and we are very pleased with our top management being a strong, dynamic and experienced team who will ensure growth of earnings in the years to come” concludes Chairman of the Board of Directors Kaare Vagner.
Yours sincerely
Kaare Vagner
Chairman of the Board of Directors
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