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Thomas Pedersen
+45 6127 7242
At SKAKO Vibration, we design, develop, and supply vibratory equipment such as feeders, conveyors, grizzlies, and screens as well as densimetric tables, lift-tippers, and washing drums in order to move, separate, and wash bulk materials. The equipment helps the recycling, mineral, and fastener industries use and reuse the planet’s resources in the best possible way.
Annual report 2024
General assembly
Trading statement Q1 2025
Interim report for the first half-year of 2025
Trading statement Q3 2025
Jens Wittrup Willumsen
Born in 1960
Chairman and member of the audit committee
Member of the Board of the Company since 2010
Considered as a non-independent Board member
Chairman of the Board:
Licensewatch A/S
Kontrapunkt Group A/S
Everland ApS
Copenhagen Optimization ApS
The INDEX Projects A/S
Begravelse Danmark A/S
TMC Nordic
Deputy Chairman:
Billund Lufthavn A/S
Board Member:
FDM Travel A/S
Charlotte Sparre A/S
Ejendomsselskabet Experimentarium A/S
Museet på Koldinghus
SEC Datacom Group A/S
Cogo ApS
Other positions:
Colonial ApS, Director own holding company
Colonial 2 ApS, Director own holding company
Frederik2 ApS, Director own holding company
Carsten Krogsgaard Thomsen
Born in 1957
Deputy Chairman and Chairman of the Audit Commitee
Member of the Board of the Company since 2017
Considered as an independent board member
Board Member:
NTG Nordic Transport Group A/S
Christian Herskind Jørgensen
Born in 1961
Member of the Board of the Company since 2009
Considered as a non-independent board member
Chairman of the Board:
Fonden Amager Bakke
Taulov DryPort A/S
Skive Holding ApS
Deputy Chairman:
Fonden til støtte for soldater i internationale missioner (Soldaterlegatet)
Board Member:
Fonden Peder Skram
Su Misura A/S
Associated Danish Ports A/S
LM Byg A/S
Pihl & Søn A/S
Other positions:
Herskind Venture Capital ApS, Director own holding company
Ejendomsselskabet Helsingør/Århus, Director
Frederik2 ApS, Director own holding company
Sophie Louise Knauer
Born in 1983
Member of the Board of the Company since 2020
Considered as an independent board member
Board member:
Solar A/S
Rekom Group A/S
CC Globe Holding I ApS
CC Globe Holding II ApS
CC Fly Holding I ApS
CC Fly Holding II ApS
CC Mist NEW Holding ApS
CC Mist NEW Holding II ApS
Other positions:
Lady Invest ApS, managing director and owner
Lionel Girieud
Managing Director, SKAKO A/S
Tel. direct: +33 (0) 3 88 40 90 34
Tel mobile: +33 (0)6 84 82 51 67
Please find the information here (in Danish).
As of December 31, 2022 the Company’s authorized capital was nominally DKK 31.064,180 divided into 3,106,418 shares of DKK 10 each. All shares have the same rights and are not divided into classes. No voting restrictions exist.
Other share information includes:
Ticker symbol: SKAKO
ISIN code: DK0010231877
Bloomberg code: SKAKO:DC
Reuter’s code: SKAKO.CO
Based on the results in 2024 and capital structure of SKAKO A/S as of 31 December 2024, the Board of Directors recommends a dividend distribution of DKK 2.5 per share corresponding to 72% of profit for the year exclusive the profit from discontinued activities and a total dividend distribution of DKK 9.3m. With a share price of DKK 81.2 as of 31 December 2024, this corresponds to a dividend yield of
Dividends per share: DKK 2.50
Ex dividend date: 25 April 2025
Record date: 28 April 2025
Payment date: 29 April 2025
Persons possessing information that is not public knowledge and which may influence the SKAKO A/S share price are prohibited from trading in SKAKO shares.
More stringent rules on trading in SKAKO shares apply to members of the Board of Directors and to the Management of SKAKO, as well as to senior and fiduciary employees in the Group companies and persons connected to the above.
SKAKO continuously supplies the Nasdaq OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen with information on portfolios held by persons covered by the rules on insider trading.
SKAKO’s whistleblower system allow you to report matters that conflict with legislation or SKAKO’s internal policies.
Reporting can be done anonymously by reporting via the link here on this page. If you do not want anonymity, please provide contact information in the report.
Reporting is divided into 2 different areas: Reporting regarding the Chairman of the Board and reporting regarding all other board members and employees.
All inquiries are treated confidentially. Reporting regarding the Chairman of the Board is addressed by the Chairman of the Audit Committee. Reporting regarding all other board members and employees is addressed by the Chairman of the Board and the Chairman of the Audit Committee.
Here you can find relevant documents for this area. If you have any questions feel free to contact us.
Here you can find relevant documents for this area. If you have any questions feel free to contact us.
Here you can find relevant documents for this area. If you have any questions feel free to contact us.
Here you can find relevant documents for this area. If you have any questions feel free to contact us.
Selskabets aktiekapital er kr. 31.064.180 fordelt i aktier à kr. 10 eller multipla heraf.
Enhver aktie på kr. 10,00 giver én stemme.
Enhver aktionær kan deltage i generalforsamlingen og afgive stemme dér, for de aktier, som aktionæren besidder på registreringsdatoen. Registreringsdatoen er onsdag, den 16. april 2014 kl. 23:59.
Aktionærens ret til at deltage i generalforsamlingen og afgive stemme i tilknytning til aktionærens aktier er endvidere betinget af, at aktionæren anmoder selskabet om udstedelse af adgangskort til generalforsamlingen. Adgangskort udstedes til den i ejerbogen noterede aktionær. Henvendelse skal ske til SKAKO A/S på telefon 63 11 38 60, telefax 63 11 38 70, pr. brev til SKAKO A/S, Bygmestervej 2, 5600 Faaborg eller via e-mail:, således, at henvendelsen er SKAKO A/S i hænde senest onsdag, den 23. april 2014 kl. 23:59.
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